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主要的研究兴趣是生态系统服务价值和保护生物学。曾以多处自然保护区为研究地点,对生态系统服务价值、亚洲象栖息地、保护和利用的平衡发展进行研究。研究成果发表在Ecosystem Services、Biological Conservation、Scientific Reports、Global Ecology and Conservation等期刊上,并在Nature、Science上发表评论和观点文章。担任Ecosystem Services、Conservation Biology、The Journal of Wildlife Management等杂志审稿人。发表SCI论文(含第一作者)20余篇,中文核心论文6篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,博士后面上基金1项。








Liu P, Li W, Li Q, Guo X, Wang B, Zhang L, Shen Q, Fu R, Peng J, Deng Z, Zhang L, 2023. Can tropical nature reserves provide and protect cultural ecosystem services? A case study in Xishuangbanna, China. Integrative Conservation 2, 119-132. (封面文章)

Li W, Liu P, Yang N, Pan H, Chen S, Zhang L, 2023. Spatio-temporal trend and mitigation of human–elephant conflict in Xishuangbanna, China. The Journal of wildlife management 87, e22485.

Li W, Liu P, Yang N, Chen S, Guo X, Wang B, Zhang L, 2023. Improving landscape connectivity through habitat restoration: application for Asian elephant conservation in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, China. Integrative Zoology 19, 319-335.

Zhang X, Li YL, Kaldy JE, Suonan Z, Komatsu T, Xu S, Xu M, Wang F, Liu P, Liu X, Yue S, Zhang Y, Lee KS, Liu JX, Zhou Y, 2023. Population genetic patterns across the native and invasive range of a widely distributed seagrass: Phylogeographic structure, invasive history and conservation implications. Diversity and Distributions 30, e13803.

Liu P, Zhang L. 2022. As elephant poaching falls in Africa, instate more ivory bans. Nature, 611, 665.

Yang N, Li W, Liu P, Zhang L. 2021. China’s homeless elephants need linked reserves. Nature, 595, 172-172. 

Chen S, Sun GZ, Wang Y, Huang C, Chen Y, Liu P, Deng Y, et al. 2021. A multistakeholder exercise to identify research and conservation priorities for Asian elephants in China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01561.

Yang N, Liu P, Li W, Zhang L. 2020. Permanently ban wildlife consumption. Science, 367, 1434-1434.

Xu S, Wang P, Wang F, Liu P, Liu B, Zhang X, Yue S, Zhang Y, Zhou Y. 2020. In situ Responses of the Eelgrass Zostera marina L. to Water Depth and Light Availability in the Context of Increasing Coastal Water Turbidity: Implications for Conservation and Restoration. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 582557.

Zhang X, Zhou Y, Adams MP, Wang F, Xu S, Wang P, Liu P, Liu X, Yue S. 2020. Plant morphology and seed germination responses of seagrass (Zostera japonica) to water depth and light availability in Ailian Bay, northern China. Marine Environmental Research, 162, 105082.

Liu P, Li W, Yu Y, Tang R, Guo X, Wang B, Yang B, Zhang L. 2019. How much will cash forest encroachment in rainforests cost? A case from valuation to payment for ecosystem services in China. Ecosystem Services, 38, 100949.

Li W, Yu Y, Liu P, Tang R, Dai Y, Li L, Zhang L. 2019. Identifying climate refugia and its potential impact on small population of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 19, e00664.

Li W, Liu P, Guo X, Wang L, Wang Q, Yu Y, Dai Y, Li L, Zhang L. 2018. Human-elephant conflict in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, China: Distribution, diffusion, and mitigation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 16, e00462. 

Wang F, Zhou Y, Wang PM, Xu SC, Liu P. 2018. Potential role of scallops (Argopecten irradians) in deposition of particulate nutrient and trace elements in a eutrophic estuary, northern China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 10, 135-147.

Liu P, Jiang SW, Zhao LJ, Li, Y., Zhang, PP, Zhang, L. 2017. What are the benefits of strictly protected nature reserves? Rapid assessment of ecosystem service values in Wanglang Nature Reserve, China. Ecosystem Services, 26, 70-78.

Liu P, Wen H, Harich F K, He C, Wang L, Guo X, Zhao J, Luo A, Yang H, Sun X, Yu Y, Zheng S, Guo J, Li L, Zhang L, 2017. Conflict between conservation and development: cash forest encroachment in Asian elephant distributions. Scientific Reports, 7, 6404. 

Liu, P, Wen, H, Lin, L, Liu, J, Zhang, L. 2016. Habitat evaluation for Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Lincang: Conservation planning for an extremely small population of elephants in China. Biological Conservation, 198, 113-121.

Zhang XM, Zhou Y, Liu P, Wang F, Liu BJ, Liu XJ, Xu Q, Yang HS. 2015. Temporal pattern in the bloom-forming macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum and Ulva pertusa in seagrass beds, Swan Lake lagoon, North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 89, 229-238.

Zhang, XM, Zhou, Y, Liu, P, Wang, F, Liu, BJ, Liu, XJ, Yang, HS. 2015. Temporal pattern in biometrics and nutrient stoichiometry of the intertidal seagrass Zostera japonica and its adaptation to air exposure in a temperate marine lagoon (China): Implications for restoration and management. Marine pollution bulletin, 94, 103-113.

Zhou Y#, Liu P#, Liu BJ, Liu XJ, Zhang XM, Wang F, Yang HS. 2014. Restoring Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Habitats Using a Simple and Effective Transplanting Technique. PloS One, 9, e92982. 共同第一作者

Zhou, Y, Liu, XJ, Liu, BJ, Liu, P, Wang, F, Zhang, XM, Yang, HS. 2014. Unusual pattern in characteristics of the eelgrass Zostera marina L. in a shallow lagoon (Swan Lake), north China: Implications on the importance of seagrass conservation. Aquatic Botany, 120, 178-184.

刘鹏, 张立. 2020. 生态系统服务价值评估的研究. 生物学通报, 55, 1-6.

刘鹏, 代娟, 曹大藩, 李志宏,张立. 2016. 普洱市亚洲象栖息地适宜度评价. 生态学报, 36, 4163-4170.

刘鹏, 周毅, 王峰, 张晓梅, 刘炳舰, 杨红生. 2014. 浅水区(潮间带)滤食性贝类生物沉积的现场测定. 海洋与湖沼, 45(2), 253-258.

刘鹏, 周毅, 刘炳舰, 刘旭佳, 张晓梅, 杨红生. 2013. 大叶藻海草床的生态恢复:根茎棉线绑石移植法及其效果. 海洋科学, 37(10), 1-8.

张晓梅, 周毅, 王峰, 刘鹏, 刘炳舰, 刘旭佳等. 2013. 山东荣成天鹅湖矮大叶藻种群的生态特征. 应用生态学报, 24(7), 2033-2039.

刘炳舰, 周毅, 刘旭佳, 刘鹏, 张晓梅. 2013. 桑沟湾楮岛近岸海域大叶藻生态学特征的基础研究. 海洋科学, 37(1), 42-48.




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