一、基本信息 刘金梅,女,汉族,中共党员。1993年10月生,山东潍坊人,理学博士,主要研究鸟类的巢寄生和巢材选择等行为学研究。 邮箱:2223054669@qq.com 二、学习工作经历 2023.09-至今 海南师范大学 生命科学学院 讲师 2020.09-2023.06 海南师范大学 生态学 理学博士 2017.09-2020.06 海南师范大学 生态学 理学硕士 2013.09-2017.06 烟台理工学院 工商管理 理学学士 三、教学与人才培养 生科院生态系的任课老师之一,担任生科院的学科秘书和2023级生态学班主任。 四、主要科研成果 研究生期间发表论文10余篇,其中以第一作者发表7篇SCI文章。主持两项海南省普通高校研究生创新科研课题。 1. Liu J, Liang W. 2023. Free-range domestic chickens can distinguish between different alarm calls of Japanese tits. Animal Cognition. (SCI二区) 2. Liu J, Zhang F, Liu Y, Liang W. 2023. Egg recognition and nestling discrimination in the crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus): Size matters. Avian Research. (SCI二区) 3. Liu J, Ma L, Jin Y, Zhang F, Li X, Liang W. 2023. Functions of snake sloughs in bird nests varied with habitats: a test of the anti-predation hypothesis. Animals. (SCI二区) 4. Liu J, Zhang F, Zhang X, Liang W. 2023. Egg covering by cavity-nesting birds: an experimental test of the usurpation hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. (SCI二区) 5. Liu J, Liang W. 2021. Snake slough in nests of crested mynas: effect on breeding success and nestling growth. The European Zoological Journal. ( SCI四区) 6. Liu J, Liang W. 2021. Snake slough in birds' nests acts as a nest predator deterrent. Ethology Ecology and Evolution. (SCI四区) 7. Liu J, Liang W. 2021. The breeding ecology of the Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus on tropical Hainan Island. Ornithological Science. (SCI四区) 8. 刘金梅, 周博, 梁伟. 2020. 海南师范大学龙昆南校区的校园繁殖鸟类. 海南师范大学学报 (自然科学版).
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